2×Fast&HiFi PCR MasterMix1mL|5mL
2×Long-HiFi PCR MasterMix1ml|5ml
2×Pfu PCR MasterMix1ml|5ml
HiPfu DNA Polymerase500U|3000U
2×KOD PCR MasterMix1ml
KOD DNA Polymerase250U|500U
2×Fast-Long PCR MasterMix1ml|5ml
2×Long-Taq PCR MasterMix0.5ml|5ml
Long-Taq DNA Polymerase500U|3000U
2×HotStart Taq PCR Mix0.5ml|5ml
dNTPs Solution, 2.5mM each1ml|5ml
dNTPs Solution(10mM each)1ml|5ml
PCR enhancer1ml
DirectFree Animal Tissue PCR Kit100T|500T
DirectFree Plant PCR Kit100T|500T
5×LabScript RT MasterMix20μl×50次|20μl×100次
microRNA first-strand cDNA synthesis kit25T
microRNA Real-Time PCR Assay kit50T×50μL
LabScript M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase H-10KU|5×10KU
HotScript M-MuLV RTase10KU|50KU
LabScript First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit50T×20μL|100T×20μL
LabScript RT Kit50T|100T
HotScript First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit50T|100T
LabScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit125T|250T
HotScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit50T×50μL|100T×50μL
2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix125T|500T
2×Probe qPCR Mix1mL|5mL
LabScript Two-Steps SYBR Green qRT-PCR Kit25T×50μL|50T×50μL
HotScript Two-step SYBR qRT-PCR Kit25T×50μL|50T×50μL
LabScript One-Step qRT-PCR Kit125T|250T
HotScript One-Step SYBR qRT-PCR Kit125T|250T
20×SYBR Green I100T|1000T
Universal protein gel preparation kit20T|60T
BCA Protein Quantitation Kit200T|500T|2500T|5000T
Bradford Protein Quantitation Kit1000T|2500T
PAGE protein staining kit250ml|1L
Novel protein staining kit20T|60T
Coomassie Brilliant Blue Rapid Staining Solution500ml|2L
Western blot membrane protein staining kit100ml|200ml
Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit50T
pTOPO-ENTR/D Directional Cloning Kit20次
Zero Background TOPO-TA Cloning Kit(with MCS)20次|80次
Zero Background TOPO-TA Cloning Kit(without MCS)20次|80次
Zero Background TOPO-Blunt Cloning Kit(with MCS)20次|80次
Zero Background TOPO-Blunt Cloning Kit(without MCS)20次|80次
Zero Blunt Quick Ligation Kit20次|40次
Zero-Blunt Simple Quick Ligation Kit(without mcs)20T|40T
T vector ligation Kit20次|60次
pBLUE-T Simple Quick Ligation Kit20次|60次
One-Step Seamless Cloning kit20次
Seamless Assembly and Cloning kit10次
Blunt DNA add A tail Kit50T
DNA Quick Ligation Kit20T|60T
One Tube Site-specific Mutagenesis Kit10T|20T
pTOPO-D1 Directional Expression Kit20T
EB Eraser50T|100T
GeneFect transfection reagent250T|500T
Recombinant human epidermal growth factor10μg|50μg|100μg|200μg|500μg|1mg
Recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor10μg|50μg|100μg|200μg|500μg|1mg
Recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor10μg|50μg|100μg|200μg|500μg|1mg
100bp DNA Marker(100-1500bp)100T
100bp plus DNA Marker(100bp-5kb)100T
1kb DNA Marker(1~10kb)100T
1kb plus DNA Marker(300bp-10kb)100T
200bp DNA Marker(200bp-3kb)100T
250bp DNA Marker(250bp-5kb)100T
300bp DNA Marker(300bp-5kb)100T
500bp DNA Marker(500bp-5kb)100T
50bp DNA Marker(50-400bp)100T
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