2% Phosphotungstic acid negative stain solution100mL
5%Phosphotungstic acid negative stain solution100mL
3%Phosphotungstic acid negative stain solution100mL
Oil Red stain Solution50mL
Von Kossa stain solution(Calcium Stain)50mL
0.06% Cresyl violet stain solution100mL
0.1% Alizarin red S stain solution100mL
4% TTC stain Solution50mL
1% Toluidine Blue solution100mL
5%I-KI solution100mL
福尔根DNA染色液(Feulgen Stain三组分)
AO Fluorescence Stain Kit100T
Autophagy Stain Kit(MDC)100T
Nile blue stain solution100mL
Sudan red 7B stain solution100mL
AO Stain Kit10mL
0.1% Neutral red ethanol stain solution100mL
0.2% Toluidine Blue solution100mL
0.5% Oil Red stain solution100mL|500mL
0.5% Methyl green stain solution100mL
1% Fast Green FCF stain solution100mL|500mL
1% Safranin O stain solution100mL|500mL
0.5% Safranin O stain solution100mL
1% TTC stain Solution100mL|500mL
0.5% TTC stain Solution100mL|500mL
1% Crystal Violet stain Solution100mL|500mL
1% Ammonia Blue Promoting Solution500mL
The reticulocyte stain Solution50mL
Capsule Staining Solution50mL
Spore stain kit50mL
1%Rose Bengal stain solution50mL
Lactophenol cotton blue solution50mL|100mL|100mL×10|500mL
Phenol-Basic Fuchsin stain solution(5%/0.5%)100mL|500mL
0.1% Alkaline methylene blue stain solution100mL|100mL×10|500mL
1% Methylene blue stain solution100mL
0.1% Methylene blue stain solution100mL|500mL
N% Iodine solution100mL|500mL
Lugol's iodine solution10mL|100mL
Crystalline purple stain solution100mL
Pollen viability stain solution(I-KI)100mL
Alcian Blue stain solution50mL
DCR Base Salts with vitamins(-P)250L
Alcian Blue stain solution100mL
0.1% Nuclear Fast Red staining solution100mL
Alcian Blue stain solution50mL
Sudan IV stain solution50mL
0.1% Toluidine Blue solution100mL
1% Malachite green solution100mL
Aldehyde fuchsin stain solution100mL
2% TTC stain Solution100mL|500mL|500mL×10
Dithizone dyeing solution100mL
1%Orcein stain solution50mL
PVLG stain solution100mL
Glycerin - malachite green stain solution100mL
Nissl stain solution100mL
D'Autoni Iodine Solution100mL|500mL
Lithium carbonate Blue Promoting Solution500mL
Toluidine blue stain solution100mL
AB-PAS stain solution50mL
Orange G6 stain solution500mL
Scott Blue Promoting Solution500mL
Toluidine blue stain solution100mL|500mL
1%Acidic differentiation solution500mL
Acidic differentiation solution500mL|500mL×10
Lactate carbonate solution100mL|500mL
Acid-fast stain solution50mL
Bacterial flagellum stain solution100mL
Methanol Congo Red Stain Solution20mL
Alexander's Stain solution50mL
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