Trypsin-EDTA Solution100ml
Protease inhibitor cocktail for mammalian cell and tissue extracts1ml|5×1ml
Protease inhibitor cocktail for bacterial cell extracts1ml|5×1ml
Protease inhibitor cocktail for fungal and yeast extracts1ml|5×1ml
Protease inhibitor cocktail for plant cell and tissue extracts1ml|5×1ml
Diagnostic Kit for Antibodies to Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (ELISA)96T/盒
EDTA Antigen Retrieval Solution100mL
Quick Antigen Retrieval Solution for Frozen Sections100mL
Antigen Retrieval Solution for Floating Sections100mL
Western Blot Antibody Stripping Buffer500ml
Western Blot Antibody Stripping Buffer500ml
Western Blot Antibody Stripping Buffer500ml
10×CAPS Electrophoretic Transfer Buffer(Glycine-Free, compatible for High MW Protein)500ml
Tartrate-resistant acid phosohate stain kit20T
Mito-tracker Green50μg
Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-3 Fluorescence Metric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-2 Colorimetric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-2 Fluorescence Metric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-8 Fluorescence Metric Assay20T|50T|100T
Caspase-6 Colorimetric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-6 Fluorescence Metric Assay20T|50T|100T
Caspase-9 Colorimetric Assay Kit20T|50T|100T
Caspase-9 Fluorescence Metric Assay20T|50T|100T
Peroxidase-conjugated Streptavidin10μL
Cell Proliferation and Tracking Kit(CFDA SE)1000T|2000T
CFSE Cell Proliferation and Tracking Kit1000T|2000T
UltraPure Water10×1ml|100mL
pGM-Lu Luciferase Reporter Plasmid negative control1μg
pGM-CMV Luciferase Reporter Plasmid Positive Control1μg
50×TAE Buffer500ml
DEPC-treated Water,DNase-free,RNase-free20×1mL|500ml
Teasy Total RNA Extraction Reagent100ml
Histan II 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit100T
Histan II 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix100T
Histan II 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(gDNA digester plus)10T|100T
RIPA Lysis Buffer(Strong)100ml
曲拉通X-100 分子生物学级Triton X-100, Molecular Biology Grade500ml
曲拉通X-114 分子生物学级Triton X-114, Molecular Biology Grade500ml
Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit50T|100T
Membrane and Cytosol Protein Extraction Kit50T|100T
10×Tris-Glycine-SDS Running Buffer500ml
4×Tris-HCl-SDS Separating Gel Buffer, pH8.8500mL
4×Tris-HCl Separating Gel Buffer, pH8.8500ml
4×Tris-HCl-SDS Stacking Gel Buffer, pH6.8500mL
4×Tris-HCl Stacking Gel Buffer,pH 6.8500mL
Universal Electrophoresis and Transfer Buffer(for Western Blot)10×1L
Streptavidin Agarose Resin5ml|5×5mL|100mL
Biotar Streptavidin 6FF Chromatography Column, 1ML1ml|5×1ml
MBPar Dextrin Agarose Resin 6FF5ml|25ml
Dextrin 6FF Chromatography Column1ml|5×1ml
Bovine Transferrin, APO100mg
Bovine Transferrin, HOLO100mg|1g
Caspase 3 Assay Kit, Colorimetric20T
Methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium bromide250mg|1g
CFDA SE Cell Proliferation and Cell Tracking Kit500T|1000T
Trypan blue10g
TRYPSIN, 1:25025g
Trypsin(0.25%), phenol red100ml
Trypsin-EDTA(0.25%), phenol red100ml
Streptomycin Sulfate25g|100g
MycClean Treatment-Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent,1000×100μL|1ml|5×1ml
Calcein-AM 超纯级Calcein,AM, Ultrapure Grade50μg|2×50μg|20×50μg|1mg
CellTracker Green CMFDA50μg|2×50μg|5×50μg
TRITC Phalloidin300T|1mg
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