1% Bromophenol blue stain solution100mL
1×EBSS/Earle's Solution Without Ca2+ or Mg2+ or Phenol Red500mL
2.5% Trypsin storage Solution(without EDTA or Phenol Red)100mL
0.25% Bromophenol blue-Sucrose Loading Buffer10mL
1% Trypsin Solution(without EDTA or Phenol Red)100mL|100mL×10
2,6-二氯靛酚钠(DCIP DPIP) Ind Grade2,6-Dichloroindophenol sodium salt hydrate1g|5g
酚肽二磷酸四钠 BC GradePhenolphthalein diphosphate tetrasodium salt1g
0.25% Trypsin Solution(Without EDTA or Phenol Red)100mL|100mL×10
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA Solution(Without Phenol Red)100mL|100mL×10|100mL×50|100mL×100|500mL
0.1% Trypsin Solution(without EDTA or Phenol Red)100mL
Nucleic Acid Phenol Reagent(crystalline)250mL
DNA Phenol Reagent saturated with Tris-HCl250mL|250mL×10
双酚A Reagent GradeBisphenol A25g
溴酚蓝 BS GradeBromophenol blue5g|10g|25g
愈创木酚 Reagent Grade2-Methoxyphenol(Guaiacol)100g
霉酚酸(MPA) BC GradeMycophenolic acid50mg
米吐尔 BC GradeMetol(4-Methylaminophenol sulfate)25g|100g
苯酚红/酚红 Ind GradePhenol Red5g|25g
酚酞 Ind GradePhenolphthalein5g
FluoView Red Fluorescent DNA Ladder(0.1-10kb, 21 bands, Bromophenol Blue)100T
FluoView Green Fluorescent DNA Ladder(0.1-10kb, 21 bands, Bromophenol Blue)100T
FluoView Red Fluorescent DNA Ladder(0.2-12kb, 12 bands, Bromophenol Blue100T
FluoView Green Fluorescent DNA Ladder(0.2-12kb, 12 bands, Bromophenol Blue)100T
FluoView Red Fluorescent DNA Loading Buffer, 6X with Bromophenol Blue2mL|10mL
FluoView Green Fluorescent DNA Loading Buffer, 6X with Bromophenol Blue2mL|10mL
Folin & Ciocalteu's Phenol Reagent100mL|500mL
Folin & Ciocalteu's Phenol Reagent100mL|500mL
Polysaccharide and Polyphenol plant RNA Purification Kit50T
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